Anuncian a Donald Trump Caravana LeBarón hacia Washington D.C.

Familias de la comunidad LeBarón en el rancho La Mora, enviaron una carta al Presidente Donald Trump, donde le anuncian caravana con dirección a Washington D.C.

La carta enviada por las familias Johnson, Langford y Miller de la comunidad mormona, informaron que la caravana partirá el próximo 20 de noviembre  e invitaron al presidente de Estados Unidos a sumar su solidaridad con las víctimas.

Le informan al presidente Donald Trump la masacre de 9 personas de las  familias Langford, Miller, LeBarón y Woolle en  la comunidad de Bavispe, Sonora, "La masacre de LaMora se ha convertido en un llamado a unir a todos para defender la paz y la seguridad no solo de los Estados Unidos, sino también de México".

A continuación la carta:

 Community of LaMora
November 17, 2019
Subject: Caravan coming to Washington D.C.

Mr. President,

As you know, the last two weeks have been ones of heartache for our families and communities. We wish to express the depth of our appreciation for the huge outpouring of support coming from your administration during this time.

Our families stand united in the belief that good can and must come from the tragedy that has left us all shattered. We have seen many call for violence and retribution in the names of our slaughtered women and children. We reject that stance. The LaMora massacre has become a rallying call to unite everyone in standing for the peace and safety of not only the United States, but Mexico as well.

We are calling upon Americans and Mexicans to unite in creating safer conditions for both countries. This tragedy does not just affect our families, and the over half million American citizens living south of the border, but all of our neighbors in Mexico.

A large caravan of supporters have answered the call and will be arriving in Washington D.C. within the week.   

We are coming to you for leadership.

In behalf of the Johnson, Langford, and Miller families,

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response." We believe that today we are in that space. On November 4th, the community of LaMora was rocked by one of the worst acts of violence that can be perpetrated towards human beings. Nine women and children were murdered in cold blood, five children were left wounded and bleeding, and twenty were left motherless. LaMora was changed forever from the peaceful haven it had been for the last fifty years. As we’ve grappled with the horror and loss of the last two weeks, we’ve tried to answer the question, “What do we do now?”
As was so famously said, “In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” For us, the response is to stand. Stand for the freedom and peace of our families and our homes. Stand for the liberties that were so hard won by the Founding Fathers. Stand in the belief that good can and must arise from this tragedy.  Stand for the millions across Mexico who have been left voiceless against the constant threat of violence
On Wednesday, November 20th, we ask you to join us in this stand. Join our caravan of supporters who will be leaving on that date to travel towards Washington D.C., to show the world that we will not let this go quietly. We have sent a letter to President Trump to let him know we are coming.


Tips al momento

Librería de Corral será móvil en los "domingo feliz" de la deportiva 

El candidato a Senador "pluri" por Morena, Javier Corral, anunció que la librería Sándor Márai tendrá presencia durante las actividades en la Ciudad Deportiva dentro de los llamados "domingo feliz", así como en la  Kermés del Parque Revolución los días sábados.

Corral Jurado, quien es parte del equipo de Claudia Sheinbaum, indicó en redes sociales con el hastag #SándorVive, que la librería Sándor Márai ahora cuenta con un triciclo móvil, que estará presentando los libros más recientes, los grandes clásicos de la literatura y parte del catálogo infantil, con más de cuarenta sellos editoriales.

Tips al momento

Librería de Corral será móvil en los "domingo feliz" de la deportiva 

El candidato a Senador "pluri" por Morena, Javier Corral, anunció que la librería Sándor Márai tendrá presencia durante las actividades en la Ciudad Deportiva dentro de los llamados "domingo feliz", así como en la  Kermés del Parque Revolución los días sábados.

Corral Jurado, quien es parte del equipo de Claudia Sheinbaum, indicó en redes sociales con el hastag #SándorVive, que la librería Sándor Márai ahora cuenta con un triciclo móvil, que estará presentando los libros más recientes, los grandes clásicos de la literatura y parte del catálogo infantil, con más de cuarenta sellos editoriales.

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